Deer Management Plan

The ELS DMG DMP Background information 2018 – 2023 (9th edition – Sept 2018) is available here

ELSDMG Action Plan May 2023

Appendix 1: ELS Constitution – May 2022
Appendix 2: Boundaries and Properties Plan
Appendix 3: Land cover Scotland plan
Appendix 4a: Conaglen LTFP concept plan
Appendix 4b: Conaglen LTFP potential new planting
Appendix 5: NWSS inventory
Appendix 6: Woodland creation schemes
Appendix 7: NWSS herbivore pressure
Appendix 8: Designated land boundaries
Appendix 9: SSSI condition plan
Appendix 10: Training Log August 2020 update
Appendix 11: HIA Monitoring Plan Rev 3
Appendix 13: HIA Log Issue 6 2023
Appendix 14: Public access facilitation
Appendix 15: August 2023 Population Model

Spring 2020 Group Report

Some of the above figures have been reduced in size/scale. For  full size maps etc please contact the DMG Secretary.